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COVID Forecasting

Fast Facts About our COVID Forecasting Maps

COVID-19 has created a world-changing event that affects the lives of everyone across the country and throughout the world. With our revolutionary COVID forecasting maps, you can better understand where and how this infectious disease is spreading. Through COVID US county forecasting, you’re able to see where the disease is spreading in your specific location. Here are a few fast facts about our COVID forecasting maps and how they work to help you.


  • Use the COVID US county forecasting map on our website to help you make decisions about travel and more. This will help you determine what is best for yourself, your family, and communities near you and across the United States.

  • These maps are currently remaining focused on the surge of COVID-19 within the United States; however, they will eventually extend to other countries as well.

  • Only use the COVID forecasting results as a guide. They’re designed to capture pertinent COVID-19 trends in your area, but results will constantly change.

  • When you use our COVID forecasting maps, be sure to share them with family members, friends, and members of your community. The more people who have access to these maps, the more we can help to educate others about how the disease spreads and where people should avoid it until the numbers go back down.

  • Two-color maps are displayed for each US state. One map shows the daily case count per 100,000 of the state population, and the other shows the daily death count per 100,000. We use a unique model and specific software that uses publicly available current case and death data. This data allows us to predict how the numbers should and may change over a future 30-day period.

  • White represents a COVID-free state, while the color red represents levels similar to those seen during the surge in the winter of 2020 to 2021.

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